Cyngor Cymuned
Aberchwiler - Aberwheeler
Community Council
Croeso i Gyngor Cymuned Aberchwiler
Cyngor Cymuned Aberwheeler yw llais Llywodraeth Leol ar gyfer
Cymuned Aberchwiler ac mae'n cynnwys saith Cynghorydd Cymuned.
Cynhelir cyfarfodydd ar yr ail nos Fercher o bob mis (yn eithrio mis
Awst a mis Rhagfyr), yn Ystafell Ysgol Capel y Waen yn Aberchwiler.
Welcome to Aberwheeler Community Council
Aberwheeler Community Council is the grass roots voice of Local
Government for the Community of Aberwheeler and comprises of
seven Community Councillors.
Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month
(excluding August and December), in the Waen Chapel School Room
in Aberwheeler.
© 2025 Cyngor Cymuned Aberchwiler Website designed and maintained by H G Web Designs
Croeso i’r llecyn yma sy’n ‘gul, ffrwythlon yn cael ei dyfrio gan y Chwiler gloyw glan’ yng ngeiriau Thomas Pennant, 1783. Fel y mae ‘Aber’ yn ei
awgrymu, ‘dach chi’n sefyll ger cymer dwy afon: Afon Clwyd ac Afon Chwiler islaw’r unig fwlch i mewn i Ddyffryn Clwyd o’r dwyrain.
Welcome to this place which is 'narrow, fertile..... and watered by the crystal Wheeler' in the words of Thomas Pennant, 1783. As ‘Aber’ suggests, you
are standing near the confluence of two rivers; Afon Clwyd and Afon Chwiler, below the only pass into the Vale of Clwyd from the east.